The Second Annual Meeting of the SMARTCATs COST Action ( will take place, on November 14-16th, 2016, in Instituto Superior Técnico in Lisbon Portugal. The three day programme will include dedicated colloquia organized in the framework of the five SMARTCATs Working Groups. The colloquia will address the basic aspects (kinetics, diagnostics, pollutants, modeling) and applied issues of research on Smart Energy Carriers chemistry and technologies. A tour followed by a banquet will take place on Tuesday the 15th at the Museu da Cerveja.
Important dates
Deadline for abstract submission
September 1st, 2016
Notification of acceptance
September 15th, 2016
Information for poster presentations:
Accepted Poster Dimensions: 60 cm x 1,20 m
The tentative timetable can be downloaded by clicking on the image below.
The final programme can be dowloaded here.
The book of abstracts can be dowloaded here.
A two-page abstract is required for both oral and poster presentations to be included in the proceedings. Authors are invited to express their preference for either oral or poster presentation. There is a limited number of available slots for oral presentations. The allocation of papers will be made according to the expressed preference and a general balancing criterion.
Pdf version of the abstract (and possibly an editable version) should be sent to until September 1st, 2016.
Templates for download:
The meeting will take place in Lisbon, Portugal, at Instituto Superior Técnico. The university is situated centrally in Lisbon, close to Alameda. It will offer both an excellent framework for the meeting with the possibility for parallel sessions as well as reasonable accommodation. Lunch will be provided at the venue. For travel information, including local transportation, please visit the Official Tourism Website of Lisbon.
The IST campus can be easily reached by metro, using the red line Oriente, and both stations Saldanha (west of the campus) and Alameda (east of the campus) can be used. The Congress Centre (Centro de Congressos) is located in the Civil Engineering building. Follow the directions inside the campus to reach the building and, once inside, directions lead to the Congress Centre.
Congress Centre (Centro de Congressos)
Instituto Superior Técnico
Civil Engineering building
Av. Rovisco Pais
1049-001 Lisboa
Participants in the MC meeting will be reimbursed up to a maximum of 750€. At most one registrant per oral/poster contribution will be considered for reimbursement up to a maximum of 750€. Selection will be on the proviso of maximizing the number of participating countries/entities, on a first come-first served basis and in the limit of available funds. A flat rate of 80€ per night will be reimbursed to cover accommodation costs of both MC members and participants.
A registration fee of 100 € covers the participation in the technical sessions, the pen drive booklet, lunches and coffee breaks, and the banquet dinner . Click the link below to register and book accomodation.
Accomodation (prices listed for booking with online registration)
Holiday Inn Lisbon **** Olissippo Saldanha ****
Single - € 80,00 Single - € 90,00
Double - € 90,00 Double - € 100,00
AS Lisboa *** Hotel Roma *** Hotel Berna***
Single - € 47,00 Single - € 51,00 Single - € 45,50
Double - € 56,00 Double - € 60,00 Double - € 51,00